Architectural Digest
AD lists top 10 designs from A Sense of Place by Mark Hutker - Three homes we built made the list
Read excerpt from the article written by Hannah Martin - THREE OF OUR HOMES MADE THE CUT

There are a bounty of quintessential Cape Cod experiences to be had this summer, from whale watching to clambakes. The region’s signature style of architecture is an attraction in its own right. The Cape Cod–style home was created in the 17th century, characterized as low and broad with minimal ornamentation and standing a story and a half high. Today, we also picture these charming cottages with faded wood shingles and bushes of fragrant hydrangea outside. In Mark A. Hutker’s book A Sense of Place (Monacelli Press), the New England architect revisits over 300 homes that he has designed in the region, and particularly on the Massachusetts shoreline. For over 30 years, Hutker Architects has become expert in creating one-of-a-kind homes that cater to the Cape Cod lifestyle. See AD’s top ten designs from his book.